Sasha Zhoya World U20 Record (12.72) | World Athletics U20 Championships

💥 Bilan mondial tous temps 110 m haies U20
1⃣ 🇫🇷 ZHOYA 12”72 🤯
2⃣ 🇫🇷 BELOCIAN 12”99
2⃣ 🇯🇲 THOMAS 12”99
4⃣ 🇯🇲 BENNETT 13”00
5⃣ 🇯🇲 MASON 13”06
5⃣ 🇯🇲 PINNOCK 13”06
7⃣ 🇺🇸 DAVIS 13”08
8⃣ 🇯🇲 RUSSELL 13”10
9⃣ 🇺🇸 LOVET 13”14
🔟 🇬🇧 OMOREGIE 13”17

(Feed generated with FetchRSS) 💥 Bilan mondial tous temps 110 m haies U20

1⃣ 🇫🇷 ZHOYA 12”72 🤯
2⃣ 🇫🇷 BELOCIAN 12”99
2⃣ 🇯🇲 THOMAS 12”99
4⃣ 🇯🇲 BENNETT 13”00
5⃣ 🇯🇲 MASON 13”06
5⃣ 🇯🇲 PINNOCK 13”06
7⃣ 🇺🇸 DAVIS 13”08
8⃣ 🇯🇲 RUSSELL 13”10
9⃣ 🇺🇸 LOVET 13”14
🔟 🇬🇧 OMOREGIE 13”17

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